Copyright in Education
Copyright in Education Project was prepared by IPI in cooperation with ARNES. In February 2021, as a part of the project, ARNES organized an online event “Remote Education and Copyright”, where Maja Bogataj Jančič presented the copyright law basics and issues brought by remote education. The event was attended by more than 850 teachers.
All the attendees were invited to ask questions during the event, or to send them after-the-fact to IPI collected all of the answers, and prepared a Q&A collection (in Slovene), which is complemented by all the questions and answers that are traditionally collected by IPI at its events (e.g. lecture on authorship of professional and scientific publications, TDM Webinars etc.).
The questions are organized by their content, and are intended to introduce the issues of copyright in education, especially in remote and online education.
IPI explicilty points out that the answers are purely informative and are aimed at raising awareness of the public, and are under no circumstances to be regarded as a specific legal advice, from which any sort of IPI’s responsibility could arise.
As part of the Copyright in Education Project, IPI and ARNES invite all elementary and middle school teacher to participate in an international research on remote education during the pandemic.
Q&A sections: