Filtered Futures: Filtering Fundamental Rights? The CJEU decision on Article 17 raises a number of important questions for the enforcement of copyright law and the compatibility of upload filters with fundamental rights even beyond copyright law. At the Filtered Futures conference, we will discuss these consequences with leading academics and key stakeholders. A preliminary conference programme is available here, and […]
Privacy online: a fundamental right or an illusion? The webinar will be joined by doc. dr. Matija Damjan, doc. JUDr. David Sehnalek, izr. prof. dr. Klemen Podobnik, LLM and izr. prof. dr. Samo Bardutzky and will be conducted in English. You can see the programme and register here.
Lecture from Urša Chitrakar You are kindly invited to the lecture of Urša Chitrakar regarding copyright, that will be held on the 23th of January at 7 PM!
Open Education Policy Forum Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič from the Intellectual Property Institute also attended the event.
Global Congress “IP and Public Interest” Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič from the Intellectual Property Institute presented on Exception for education on the panel Public Interest Perspectives on EU Copyright Reform.
Videos on the roundtable We would like to thank all the participants that have kindly responded to the invitation and actively participated in the debate. Also, we would to thank all the participants who attended the roundtable either live or on the Internet. You can watch the short introductory video as well as the video of the whole roundtable. The […]
Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič on the Days of Slovenian Lawyers 2010 These systems enable to buy words on the search engine. Therefore, as the subscriber enters the word in the search engine, the advertisement of the subject who bought the word appears amongst the search results. The problem is when the word represents a protected trademark of some other subject. Words will usually be bought by […]